Saturday, November 17, 2007

Shopping in Santa Fe

We’ve finally figured out the shopping procedures in the stores here. Everything in the store is in the front window with the price attached. When you go into the actual store it’s pretty well empty. So when you walk into the store they expect that you’re there to purchase something from the window. You have to take the clerk outside and point out what you want thru the window. You then follow the clerk back inside, they disappear somewhere and return with your item. If they happen to bring the item you pointed at you’re in luck (read on).

The clothing stores appear to only have 1 of every item. If you see a shirt in the window and then ask for it in your size, you can’t get it ‘cause they only have that one particular shirt in that style or color. Instead, the clerk will start showing you every other item in the store that’s in your size. All the clothes are in big folded stacked arranged by size. So if you were only interested in that one shirt you have to stand there for 15 minutes while they show you every other shirt in the store. The same goes for shoe stores. If your size is sold out the clerk will show you every other shoe in the store in your size.

It’s very rare to find someone who speaks any English. When you enter a store and tell them ‘No Espanol, English’ they will sometimes run out the door and down the street to another store and tow back some poor soul they know of that knows how to say ‘hello’ in English. They may also get on the telephone and phone someone who speaks a bit of English. So you have to wait patiently for this person to arrive ‘cause you’re just too embarrassed to tell them that you were just browsing and now want to leave.

The people of Santa Fe are extremely friendly and try to be helpful as best they can considering they have no idea what we’re talking about. They don’t want you to leave their store unless they’re sure you’ve been looked after. If you buy something you get a big hug and a kiss when you leave. We give them all a Canadian lapel pin and they’re very happy.

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