Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Jet Lag Kicks In

Our first full day in Santa Fe and the jet lag kicked our butt in the afternoon. Dave and I spent a couple of hours assembling the airframes then we built custom cradles out of cardboard to hold them to and from the field.

The fabrication was done in the parking area in front of the lobby and while Dave was upstairs gettting supplies, I was approached by a local newspaper (UNO DIARIO DE SANTA FE) they took photos of me and the airplanes. Being a "Mecanico" has it's advantages. LOL I don't know if this will be on their website but try to see if it gets posted there.

We did manage to find a practice site and touched base with Adrian Wong from Sacramento (D7) who is representing Honk Kong. Please note: The internet is kinda sketchy in the room so post we might be a little late in the posts. This one was done at breakfast like everyone else.

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